

Andrew's Corner: September 24

Posted on September 24, 2023 in: General News

As a kid, I had one big fear… it wasn’t a future career, the Mets losing the World Series, or even the monster underneath my bed… no, my big fear was being picked last. No kid wants to be picked last in gym class or on the playground. If this has ever happened to you, then you know how horrible it feels. You probably asked yourself: Why me? Why wasn’t I first? Don’t they know I play linebacker for the Lake-Lehman mini-football team? Well, luckily the kingdom of heaven isn’t a gym class or the playground. However, we as humans can often treat the kingdom of heaven as if it were. We can think that we deserve more because we’re the founding members or the priest. We can also think that we deserve less because we’re too sinful or aren’t as involved as we should be. In this Sunday’s gospel (Matthew 20:1-16), we hear that the master of the vineyard pays the part-time workers before and equal to that of the full-time workers. It doesn’t make sense in our experience of earthly life, but neither does God’s unfathomable generosity. We have a gracious God who asks us to follow Christ every day and at every moment. Whether we have responded faithfully since our baptism or have made the choice to faithfully follow Jesus today, we are all promised the same, generous, and unfathomable reward: eternal life in the kingdom of heaven.

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