
We are most eager to make the celebration of the sacraments a joyous, spiritual event in your family’s life and with the parish. If you have any questions or would like to make arrangements, please contact the parish office at 570-326-1544 or by email at

Baptism is the “gateway” sacrament or initiation. This joins you with the Body of Christ, the community of believers. Parents will meet with a priest beforehand to discuss their faith, better understand Baptism, and discuss how they will create a home for Christ in their household. The Church stresses that parents are the first and best teachers of the faith for their children. Contact the parish office for an appointment.

Eucharist/Holy Communion
Preparation for this sacrament normally occurs through the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP). This is a two-year program starting in first grade and received in second grade.

Children prepare for this sacrament simultaneously with the sacrament of Communion.
Anyone who is fully initiated has access to this sacrament by scheduled times or by appointment with a priest.

The reception of the Holy Spirit prepares candidates to be more mature in their spiritual lives and to assume more adult roles in the life of the church. Children normally begin their two year program in 7th grade and receive the anointing/laying on of hands in 8th. All children must have participated successfully in all the previous years of PREP (grades 1-6) as a prerequisite. Note that there is a social service component to this two-year program. This is an important step for teenagers and their entire families.

Marriage is a serious covenant between a man and woman that also invites Jesus Christ into their relationship. Reserving a church and preparing for this sacred moment occurs about six months prior to the anticipated wedding date. Please contact the office for details.

Anointing of the Sick
Once called Last Rites, this sacrament of mercy and healing is extended to anyone who suffers from physical/emotional/psychological illness. Blessing with holy oil, this sacrament primarily hopes to offer spiritual strength and calm the soul of anyone suffering.

Holy Orders
Ordination to the priesthood is the continuation of Christ’s ministry which he bestowed on the Apostles. The Diocese is willing to help with this discernment process if someone contacts the vocation director based in Scranton.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

Many of the sacraments listed above are received as children or young adults. For those beginning this process later in life, as converts to Catholicism, we use the RCIA program as the best way to introduce our faith and journey with people as they decide to enter into full communion with the Church. This usually begins in the fall and carries through to Easter when candidates join us. Classes are conducted together with all the Catholic churches of Williamsport. Call the office for more information.