

Gratitude for Your Support in Our Parish Merger
The process of merging parishes is not easy. Our parish pastoral and finance councils and our pastor held several meetings, and together with the Diocese, discussed the future of our parishes. Many individuals volunteered their time in this process. We thank all those who have helped in the process. Also, thank you to all our parishioners who expressed their opinions at our information meeting on September 24 at St. Lawrence. We extended an opportunity to suggest additional names by email to the parish office. Every idea submitted has been considered. We thank you for being...

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Pastor's Corner: October 20

Posted on October 21, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: October 20
Not an easy read, the insert in today’s bulletin. It asks to change and change is never without its challenges. It’s written in rather technical, legal language. I can understand why we might stop reading and look for the easy version. But, I’m glad we have those words. They protect our rights and line our responsibilities. One set of words really struck me. It’s in the title— which I’m not sure I ever paid much attention to—for the Diocesan planning process. Vision 2030—that much I’ve known and used for years!--Creat...

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Family Promise Meals Needed

Posted on October 18, 2024 in: General News

Family Promise Meals Needed
Our next Family Promise hosting week is November 3-8. If you can provide a meal for the families in this program, please get in touch with Gloria O'Connell at 570-220-1895. Thank you!

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Family Promise

World Mission Sunday October 20

Posted on October 17, 2024 in: General News

World Mission Sunday October 20
Dear Friends, On October 20, 2024, the Universal Church will celebrate World Mission Sunday. As we come together on this special day, I join Pope Francis in inviting each of you to embrace the Gospel’s call: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19). This invitation to mission is at the heart of our faith, compelling us to share God’s love with all people. World Mission Sunday is a reminder that our faith is not confined by borders but extends to the farthest reaches of our world. This day invites us to reflect on our shared...

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Posted on October 17, 2024 in: General News

40 HOURS The Forty Hours Eucharistic Devotion held this week was a wonderful gathering for our communities. As we prayed before the Blessed Sacrament and the Lord in solemn adoration, we followed with Evening Prayer & Benediction.  It gave us time to deepen our appreciation of the importance of the mystery of the Eucharist in our lives.  Thank you all that participated! 

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Consolidation Process Update

Posted on October 14, 2024 in: General News

Consolidation Process Update
Do you have questions about the upcoming consolidation of the Parishes of St. Boniface and St. Lawrence? Would you like an update on the process? Join Father McCreary on Sunday, October 20 at 9:15 a.m. in the St. Boniface RAC for an update.

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Church History Series with Jack Houston
Everyone is welcome to attend this informative series on church history led by Jack Houston at St Lawrence Parish Hall. Afternoon and evening sessions are available each week to accommodate busy schedules. Jesus and the Founding of the Church October 29 - 2:p.m. October 30 - 7 p.m. Christian Community in the Early Centuries November 12 - 2:p.m. November 13 - 7:p.m. Church in the Middle Ages November 19 - 2:p.m. November 20 - 7:p.m.

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Ongoing Adult Faith Formation

Posted on October 10, 2024 in: General News

Ongoing Adult Faith Formation
ONGOING ADULT FAITH FORMATION SERIES MONDAYS with THE CHOSEN October 21 at 7:00 PM at St Boniface Rectory Basement (RAC) Watch Season 2, Episode #4 of the popular series on the life of Christ and his “Chosen Ones.” Enjoy some refreshments and community. Bring a friend!      CHURCH HISTORY SERIES with Jack Houston at the St Lawrence Hall Jesus and the Founding of the Church Tuesday, Oct 29 @ 2:00 PM Wednesday, Oct 30 @ 7:00 PM Christian Community in the Early Centuries Tuesday, Nov 12 @ 2:00 PM Wednesday,...

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Adult Faith Formation
Steubenville Youth Conference 2025
Attention all high school students! Registration will open for the Steubenville Youth Conference 2025 on October 16--seats are limited and will fill up quickly! Save your spot by making a $50 non-refundable deposit as soon as you are able. See the conference flyer for more information on registration, scholarships, and more. Contact Karen Balestino at with questions.

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Mass Intention Requests for 2025

Posted on October 04, 2024 in: General News

Mass Intention Requests for 2025
Mass intention requests for January 1 through June 30, 2025, are now available. Note that only one weekend Mass can be requested at this time. Dates after June 30, 2025, will be available after the anticipated linkage with St. Ann's is complete. Saturday, Sunday, and daily masses, as well as the sanctuary candles, are $10.  2024 mass intentions are still available at St. Lawrence and Divine Chapel, and the 7-day sanctuary candle at St. Boniface is still available. Please call the parish office for more information on dates (570-326-1544).

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Pastor's Corner: September 29

Posted on October 02, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: September 29
There are weeks when I wish the bulletin deadline weren’t quite so early in the week. And not because I’ve wasted time or been lazy or too busy to come up with an idea. But, because sometimes something’s just happened on a Tuesday and I’d like to reflect on it with you. Like this past week, when we had our listening session about the upcoming consolidation of St. Lawrence and St. Boniface parishes. As I write these words, that meeting hasn’t yet happened. I don’t know what people will say, what they’ll hear, what they’ll th...

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October Month of the Rosary

Posted on September 26, 2024 in: General News

October Month of the Rosary
Are you Interested in starting a Rosary Crusade at our parishes?  A Rosary Crusade is a way to increase devotion to Mary in the Catholic experience of discipleship, with the Rosary as a powerful tool for healing, renewing and strengthening families. Fr. Peyton ( believed that restoring the Rosary and family prayer would help people express their deepest yearnings for God, which would also strengthen families in overcoming the social pressures that are eroding family unity. Our Parishes can participate in a variety of ways: Pray the Rosa...

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Catholic Ministries Appeal 2024

Posted on September 24, 2024 in: General News

Catholic Ministries Appeal 2024
2024 Catholic Ministries Appeal (Diocesan Annual Appeal) By supporting the Catholic Ministries Appeal, you help provide funding for essential ministries throughout the eleven-county area of the Diocese of Scranton. Through our unity and stewardship, we are able to attend to the physical and spiritual needs of our friends and neighbors throughout Northeastern and North Central Pennsylvania. St. Boniface & St Lawrence GOAL—$75,000.00 The funds raised will support vital Catholic ministries: •Catholic Social Services •Catholic Education •Ca...

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Pastor's Corner: September 22

Posted on September 20, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: September 22
We’re always interested in names. Think about the conversations expectant parents happen over the options—Who in the family wants a namesake? Which names are in fashion these days—and do we opt in or avoid? We listen to hear the confirmation name a young person has chosen. At a wedding we want to know: Name change or not? Hyphenated for her? Or for both? And, of course, as our parishes move to a closer union, we know the name questions in the air. But, that’s not the name I’m talking about today. It’s the Appeal—what used to be t...

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Eucharistic Adoration at St. Boniface
Everyone is encouraged to experience the spiritual beauty of Eucharistic Adoration which is open to all on Monday evenings from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The greatest gift God gives us is himself, and Adoration is another way for us to recognize that gift outside of receiving the Eucharist at Mass. Come pray in silence in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. No signup or reservation is needed. “The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time that you will spend on earth. Each moment that you spend with Jesus will deepen your union with Him and make y...

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Pastor's Corner: September 15

Posted on September 15, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: September 15
Think about the last words Jesus spoke before he left this earth. Think about what he didn’t say. And think about what he did say. He didn’t say: “You’re my Church. Be glad that you’ve heard the good news. Hang on to it, it’ll get you into heaven.” No, Jesus said: “Go, proclaim the good news to all the nations.” Our faith isn’t a treasure we’re to cling to, it’s meant to be shared—boldly and lovingly. Let’s think about what this means to us: Live a vibrant Christian life. The philosopher ...

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Nonperishable Food Items Needed

Posted on September 09, 2024 in: Social Concerns

Nonperishable Food Items Needed
Why feed the hungry? When you are hungry but there isn't food on the shelves or in the refrigerator and money needs to go to rent, heat, and electricity, what do you do? We offer a way to help families through this with our food collection boxes at St. Boniface and St. Lawrence. We can help Sojourner Truth provide daily lunches and Salvation Army Food Pantry provides food for their 160-plus families. Please be part of this ministry by donating unexpired food into the collection boxes. We all can help make a difference. Needed items include pasta/sauce, mac & cheese,...

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Pastor's Corner: September 8

Posted on September 09, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: September 8
Some of you have asked about what progress we’ve made with the pipe organ. I haven’t said much about it since informing you of the various problems Tropical Storm Debby brought. I haven’t done much up until now because I haven’t had answers to give you. An organ is a complicated instrument. Repairing one that’s damaged requires a number of steps—and decisions. First of all, as you can see, we’ve removed the console from the church. That allowed us to have mold remediation done promptly. We’ve removed the carpet that was, ra...

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Consolidation Process Update

Posted on September 02, 2024 in: General News

Consolidation Process  Update
Bishop Bambera has announced the consolidation of Saint Boniface and Saint Lawrence Parishes effective November 3, 2024. Despite their unique histories, both parishes have been collaborating for a decade and share the mission of living the Gospel and serving God. This merger reflects their existing cooperation and unified purpose. In order to answer any questions that you have, Father McCreary is holding an information session for our two parishes that will be held on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. in the Saint Lawrence Church Hall, 800 W. Central Avenue, So...

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Our Weekly Bulletin: September 1

Posted on September 02, 2024 in: General News

Our Weekly Bulletin: September 1
Get the latest parish updates, events, and announcements. Our newest bulletin for the week of September 1 is now available!

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Pastor's Corner: September 1

Posted on September 01, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: September 1
In his final homily a few weeks ago, Deacon McCarroll asked the question: “Was it worth it?” He pointed that question in more than one direction, but it was rooted in the Eucharistic Revival, an American project that tried to counter indifference to the Eucharist and a time for conferences and talks, processions and days of adoration, a renewed focus on how we offer and receive this Sacrament. Of course, we’ve had the added blessings of a summer when we reflect on Jesus’ Bread of Life discourse from John’s gospel. And now all that&rsq...

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Holy Year 2025 Pilgrimage with Bishop Bambera
Pope Francis has announced ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ is the theme for the Holy Year 2025. A Holy Year, or Jubilee, is a time of pilgrimage, prayer, repentance, and acts of mercy, based on the Old Testament tradition of a Jubilee Year of rest, forgiveness, and renewal. Bishop Joseph C. Bambera will lead a Pilgrimage to Italy and Rome from Aug. 31-Sept. 9, 2025, in celebration of the Holy Year. The trip will include a Papal Audience, Masses celebrated daily at various Basilicas and Cathedrals, a unique opportunity to visit the Scavi, a tour of the necropolis under St....

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Catechists Needed for New School Year
Our Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) needs you! We're seeking substitute teachers for all grades and a Grade 2 aide. No experience necessary - we provide all materials and support. Your willingness to share your faith is all that's needed. Help shape young Catholics' spiritual journey in this rewarding ministry. Flexible options are available. Prayerfully consider joining us. Contact Karen Balestino at to learn more and make a difference in our parish youth's faith formation.

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Pastor's Corner: August 25

Posted on August 26, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: August 25
Sometimes people say things, often in rather casual conversation, that stick with us. They are “words that crackle,” to borrow from the theologian David Power. One such phrase came from an artist friend. She said, “Good art is a moral choice.” Good art is a moral choice. Not a great way of making a living. Not the road to undying fame. Not the path to thunderous applause. Not what necessarily looks pretty or makes people happy. Good art is a moral choice because it points, as people of faith believe, to the One who is the Good, the True, and the B...

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Pastor's Corner: August 18

Posted on August 19, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: August 18
The other evening I was having drinks with some friends from Muncy—people who knew both me and Deacon McCarroll. They asked about when he’d be going back to school. Then they posed the question: “Will you miss him?” “Of course, I’ll miss him,” I quickly responded. Almost as quickly one of them offered the helpful suggestion: “Well, you could always get a dog.” Let me be clear: I’m not getting a dog. Let me also be clear: I will miss Deacon McCarroll. I value our friendship, and I have enjoyed sharing ministry wi...

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Check Out Our Weekly Bulletin for August 18
Get the latest parish updates, events, and announcements. Our newest bulletin for the week of August 18 is now available!

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A Message from Deacon Andrew

Posted on August 16, 2024 in: General News

A Message from Deacon Andrew
As I come to the end of my internship year with the parish families of St. Boniface and St. Lawrence, I can’t help but notice how appropriate this Sunday’s gospel (John 6:51-58) is for us as a community. In these verses, Jesus reveals himself to us as the Bread of Life, saying, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever... Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” Over the past year, we have gathered around the Lord’s Table, sharing the Body and Blood of Jesus Chr...

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Check Out Our Bulletin for the Week of August 11
Get the latest parish updates, events, and announcements. Our newest bulletin for the week of August 11 is now available!

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Pastor's Corner: August 4

Posted on August 04, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: August 4
A couple of years ago, I joined some priest friends in reading and discussing a book called Words Without Allow, A Biography of the Lectionary for Mass. We were interested in the project that faced the Church in the 1960s when Vatican II called for more scripture at Mass. How does one expand a set of readings that had been set for centuries upon centuries? What scheme for including various parts of the Bible? What discussions happened in those meetings, around those tables? Honestly, it was some of the most tedious reading we’ve ever done. Well researched, carefull...

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Check Out Our Weekly Bulletin for July 28-August 3
Get the latest parish updates, events, and announcements. Our newest bulletin for the week of July 28 is now available!

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Pastor's Corner: July 21

Posted on July 21, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: July 21
I'm writing these words Monday evening. But I’m thinking about words I want to say and a homily I want to preach on Wednesday evening. I was asked to preach at the beginning of the St Ann Novena at St Ann’s parish. I was happy with the invitation. The image of Christ’s grandmother has long been a favorite of mine. I’ve joined in those prayers for many years, asking for her help. But, this year I stand before that congregation as part of a process that means change for all of us—our parishes, their parish. There’s a phrase from St P...

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Check Out Our Weekly Bulletin for July 21-27
Get the latest parish updates, events, and announcements. Our newest bulletin for the week of July 21 is now available!

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Deacon's Message: July 14

Posted on July 18, 2024 in: General News

Deacon's Message: July 14
A few days ago I went for an evening hike at Rose Valley Lake. Before I knew it the sun began to set and I needed to make my way back. At a certain point, it was completely dark, I came to a split in the trail, and was given two options – I could take the longer trail through a field or I could take the shorter trail through the woods. So, I made the rash decision to take the shorter route. Well, that was a mistake... The overcast of trees blocked the moonlight, made it extremely difficult to see, and caused me to keep veering off the trail. After a few wrong turns...

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Support St. Boniface Cemetery

Posted on July 18, 2024 in: General News

Support St. Boniface Cemetery
Our beautiful, historic parish cemetery needs your help. Rising maintenance costs have outpaced revenues, threatening its upkeep. We're asking for your support to address this shortfall. How to donate: Use the special cemetery collection envelope in July Donate online at, click on "online giving", and select the "cemetery" option. Your contribution honors those laid to rest here and ensures the cemetery remains a source of pride for our community. Thank you for your generosity. St. Boniface Cemetery C...

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Pastor's Corner: July 14
Last weekend’s Sun Gazette featured a front-page article about the merger of two of our neighboring Protestant congregations. Like a similar article about us a few weeks ago, reasons for the transition were listed out. The vision for the future was described. I hope and pray it goes well for them. But, I could not help noticing a couple of things. First, whenever Catholics talk about changing demographics or the need to alter parish structures we get some advice. We hear people say: If the Catholic Church just lightened up, more people would come. If the Catholic C...

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Check Out Our Weekly Bulletin for July 14-20
Get the latest parish updates, events, and announcements. Our newest bulletin for the week of July 14 is now available!

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Pastor's Corner: July 7

Posted on July 06, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: July 7
Here’s a question that people have asked. Not one of the twenty questions, but it’s important for me to answer. The question: What happened to the statue of Mary at St. Boniface? The one we use for the May crowning? Simple answer: the statue’s in the lounge, a room that was notable for its crowd of priestly portraits and its lack of sacred images. I’m glad to balance things a little bit by shifting an image of the Mother of God into that space. But, why the move? Two answers. First, Vatican II urges to take care about the number and placement o...

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From Deacon Andrew: June 30

Posted on June 30, 2024 in: General News

From Deacon Andrew: June 30
A few days ago I was talking to a friend about the many blessings and challenges within the vocation of adoption - how a couple or single person comes to the decision to adopt a child or children. He brought up a point which has been stirring in my mind. He said, a child from birth is loved by their natural parents because it’s the natural response of the heart. But, an adopted child is loved by their parent(s) because of a discerned and active choice to love. Well, I thought of this because the Collect for this Sunday’s Mass says: “O God, who through t...

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Deacon Andrew

Pastor's Corner: June 30

Posted on June 30, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: June 30
When Resurrection Parish was building a new church a few years ago, my mind kept returning to a verse from the Psalms: “If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do the builders labor.” What a healthy reminder that we’re to be about God’s work! If it’s God’s work, why don’t we actually give it over to God? Sure, we had to dream and plan, engage with architects and builders, face unexpected twists in the process. But, at every turn prayer made it better. We’re not being asked here at St. Ann's, St. Lawrence and St. B...

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We Need Your Handy Skills!

Posted on June 28, 2024 in: General News

We Need Your Handy Skills!
Do you have experience in plumbing, electrical work, carpentry, and/or buildings and grounds maintenance? We are looking for experienced individuals with these and other skills to volunteer for our newly established Buildings & Grounds Committee. This would be on an as-need basis whenever projects come up for our church, rectory or school. If interested or have questions, please email or call Scott Lorson (570) 279-0471 or Karen Kirk-Newman (570) 337-7580.

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Welcome to Our New Finance Secretary
We're excited to introduce Mary Jo Raniero as our new finance secretary. Mary Jo brings 15 years of experience from her ongoing role at St. Ann's parish. She'll split her time between both parishes. Welcome Mary Jo!

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Pastor's Corner: June 23

Posted on June 23, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: June 23
Take a look at this picture: a brightly colored bouquet in the middle of the rectory’s kitchen table. It’s literally a spiritual bouquet, a collection of prayers and charitable works offered on my behalf. A gift from our PREP students and catechists to celebrate the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests (observed on the feast of the Sacred Heart, this year June 7). Each blossom contributes to an assortment of prayers—Hail Marys and Our Fathers, rosaries and daily prayers, works of justice, and charity. As I approach my ordination anniver...

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Pastor's Corner: June 16

Posted on June 17, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: June 16
Finally, the last two questions! What type of music do you like to listen to? I can answer that by naming the Sirius stations in my car. Classical, Broadway, Jazz—in that order. I sometimes dabble in popular music—a little Billy Joel, some ABBA, some R&B. Almost never Country. What attracted you to the priesthood? I can answer in one word: Jesus. As a Catholic, I find his life and message compelling. I wanted to be part of his mission—into whatever vocation that would lead me. In last weekend’s homily, I talked about how as Church we need t...

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From Deacon Andrew: June 9

Posted on June 13, 2024 in: General News

From Deacon Andrew: June 9
What three words would you use to describe yourself? Honestly, this is a tough question for me to answer. I thought about it and really couldn’t come up with three words. So, I asked the 4th-grade students at St. John Neumann Regional Academy to help me out. These are three of the words that they came up with: funny, kind, and hardworking. What is your favorite movie? One of my favorite movies is the 1986 film The Mission, starring Robert De Niro and Jeremey Irons. This film follows the missionary endeavors of 18th-century Jesuits who try to save their mission to t...

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Deacon Andrew
Letter from Bishop Bambera on Vision 2030
An important message from Bishop Bambera was shared at all Masses this weekend regarding upcoming changes for our parish and local Catholic community. As we move forward, we look forward to deepening our collaborative efforts with Saint Ann Parish. Together, we will more intentionally further the mission of Christ and His Church. Please take a few moments to read the letter from Bishop Bambera to the parishioners of St. Boniface, St. Lawrence, and St. Ann's on the next steps of Vision 2030.

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Pastor's Corner: June 9

Posted on June 10, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: June 9
Here’s the question I’ve been avoiding: What three words would you use to describe yourself? It’s too much like an awkward icebreaker at a meeting. Or a really annoying drinking game at a party. But, here we go: Introverted (which you must have noticed, but remember that introversion—just like its opposite—can be an asset). Creative (the part of me that values things like music and art, architecture and gardens, poetry and story-telling). Faithful (think of Dorothy Day’s description of faith as “a need to worship, to adore"). ...

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Pastor's Corner: June 2

Posted on June 02, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: June 2
What is your favorite sport or sports team? Not sure I have a favorite sport—and definitely not a favorite sports team. Let me explain. I can have a lot of enthusiasm about going to a game, pretty much any game. I enjoy the atmosphere—the crisp fall weather at a football game, the National Anthem at a baseball game, the prayer before a Catholic school basketball game. I’m not a huge fan of being entertained at a sports event. I don’t need the mascot in a golf cart or a fake sumo wrestling match—get on with the game. I’ll cheer for pret...

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Deacon's Message: May 26

Posted on May 28, 2024 in: General News

Deacon's Message: May 26
My favorite food? That’s a tough question to answer! I love almost any type of food whether it is steak or bologna. Although not very luxurious, my go to favorite meal is a hoagie (i.e. a “sub” as some call it). In my opinion, nothing beats a hoagie from the Red Rock Corner Store on Route 118 which is close to my hometown. You’ll usually see me there for lunch on my day off. My favorite hobby? Again, another hard question to answer. I enjoy spending a lot of time in the outdoors during my spare time. I’m usually hiking, fishing, skiin...

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Deacon Andrew

Pastor's Corner: May 19

Posted on May 19, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: May 19
Here’s a question I appreciate because it allows/encourages more than one answer: Who is/are your favorite saint(s)? How can I skip mentioning the Mother of God? How could anyone say “Oh, I like loads of saints, but Mary not so much.”? I’m putting Mary in my answer but in a particular way. I’ve always been drawn to Our Lady of Lourdes. I read—and reread-- The Song of Bernadette growing up. I’m fascinated by the way that image of Mary in the grotto with the peasant girl St Bernadette pops everywhere (except, oddly in our rectory, ...

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Pastor's Corner: May 5

Posted on May 05, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: May 5
Here are two of the 20 questions that are so connected, they really have to be answered together: How many siblings do you have? What is your birth order in the family? That could be a complicated question in a larger family than mine. But, it’s just me and my brother Paul. Let’s do the number part first. He’s three years younger than me, although four years behind me in school (as a small child he started to talk later than normal, so my parents opted to keep him home for an additional year). Oddly, that meant that we were pretty much never in the s...

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A Message from Andrew: April 28
I'm happy to share with our community that I will be ordained as a transitional deacon on Saturday, May 25. Everyone is invited to witness and affirm this next step in my journey towards priestly service to the Church of Scranton! Before a man is ordained to the priesthood he first is ordained as a transitional deacon. It is in this moment that a man makes his promises to obedience, celibacy, and a life of prayer. "Transitional" means that he will be a deacon for a temporary period and will eventually advance to the order of the priesthood. Being a deacon i...

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Andrew's Corner

Posted on April 18, 2024 in: General News

Andrew's Corner
As Fr. McCreary mentioned in his “Pastor’s Corner,” our Vocation’s Committee is hard at work in promoting an awareness of vocations in our community – the ways in which God has called each of us to witness to our Christian faith. My hope is that you can see how Christ has been at work in the life of Fr. McCreary and myself in our answers to these 20 questions! What did your parents do? My dad was the owner of McCarroll Pre-Cast, a family concrete business that my grandfather started in 1966. A lot of my childhood memories took place there si...

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Pastor's Corner: April 14

Posted on April 14, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: April 14
For a few months, we’ve had a Vocations Committee forming in the parishes. We’ve been looking at ways to encourage vocations—to the priesthood, to religious life, to Christian marriage—among our people, especially our young with their whole lives ahead of them. One suggestion was to have Andrew and I answer a list of 20 questions about ourselves. So, let’s begin—just a few questions at a time. What did your parents do? My mother was a schoolteacher. She taught what we used to call home economics (largely cooking and sewing). Now ...

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Make a Difference to Those in Need!
Make a Difference in Your Community: Join Our Social Concerns Ministry! We partner with incredible community organizations like Sojourner Truth Ministries, Senior C.A.R.E., Shepard of the Streets, Family Promise, and the YWCA to support those in need. Here's how you can get involved: Donate Food: We accept unexpired, non-perishable food donations at each of our churches. Volunteer Your Time: Contact our Parish Office at 570-326-1544 or email to learn about volunteer opportunities. Together, we can make a positive impact on...

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Pastor's Corner: April 7

Posted on April 08, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: April 7
Look at the picture. Holy Thursday night’s adoration space: After the evening Mass we linger to pray, doing what chosen apostles couldn’t do in Gethsemane. We traveled to other churches to keep this as a night of expectant prayer. Half an hour before midnight those seats were filled for Night Prayer, with some folks kneeling or sitting on the floor. We responded to the Church’s call to pray! And we did it throughout the week. Palm Sunday, bearing our branches. Morning Prayer is beautifully attended and sung. Good Friday’s veneration of the cr...

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Scriptural Rosary Every Tuesday
Join us to pray a Scriptural Rosary every Tuesday event at 6:30 p.m. at St. Boniface Church. Scriptural Rosary leads you to peace in your life! All members of the family are invited. There will be "busy bags" available for the little ones. You can find, peace, joy, and happiness in your life through rosary scriptural meditations. What is a scriptural rosary you may wonder... All it is is the life of Jesus based on scripture from the Bible. The scriptural rosary prayer of the Joyful Mysteries, S...

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Andrew's Corner: March 31

Posted on April 01, 2024 in: General News

Andrew's Corner: March 31
This Sunday we hear that familiar Easter story of the women coming to the tomb of Jesus only to find it empty. We all know the highlight of the story, but it doesn’t end there. These faithful women went out to proclaim what they had seen by their bold witness to the faith – encouraging us to do the same. But, how do we give witness to this faith? Although I could go down the list of how to live an authentic Christian life, I believe that it is pretty simple. We witness to our faith by following the unique path that God has given to every one of us. We call this ...

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Pastor's Corner: March 31

Posted on March 30, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: March 31
Welcome! I know our Mass crowds will be larger this weekend. Easter is our greatest feast, after all. And I know that there are all sorts of reasons to walk through these doors today. Maybe it’s your first time in church, your first time in a Catholic church. Perhaps you came with family. Or a friend invited you. Maybe it was something more interior—a love for music, a struggle in life, a series of questions—even doubts. You are welcome here! You will always be welcome here. Or is today something of a homecoming? Back to the old neighborhood, church ...

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Pastor's Corner: November 19

Posted on November 19, 2023 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: November 19
These past few months I’ve been listening to Fr. Mike Schmitz’s Catechism in a Year podcast. It follows the same pattern of his Bible in a Year— relatively manageable readings from the catechism, context, and commentary from Fr. Schmitz, all accomplished in 15 to 20-minute segments. The other morning I listened to the section on the Eucharist and was reminded of a truth that I’ve long known, but one that bears repeated. Father reminded us that Eucharist is both a noun and a verb. The consecrated bread and wine, the body and blood of Christ is Euch...

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A Message from Andrew: November 12

Posted on November 12, 2023 in: General News

A Message from Andrew: November 12
One of my favorite parts of ministry is that I have the privilege of visiting a variety of patients at UPMC each week. I am honored to minister to different individuals in their struggles, joys, and everything in between. However, one of the most common difficulties that I hear from many patients is the aspect of waiting – waiting to receive results, waiting for the next appointment, waiting for family or friends to visit, waiting to go home. All of these aspects of waiting are understandable and, if I’m being honest, I would probably respond the same way. Wa...

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