

Entries for August 2024

Holy Year 2025 Pilgrimage with Bishop Bambera
Pope Francis has announced ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ is the theme for the Holy Year 2025. A Holy Year, or Jubilee, is a time of pilgrimage, prayer, repentance, and acts of mercy, based on the Old Testament tradition of a Jubilee Year of rest, forgiveness, and renewal. Bishop Joseph C. Bambera will lead a Pilgrimage to Italy and Rome from Aug. 31-Sept. 9, 2025, in celebration of the Holy Year. The trip will include a Papal Audience, Masses celebrated daily at various Basilicas and Cathedrals, a unique opportunity to visit the Scavi, a tour of the necropolis under St....

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Catechists Needed for New School Year
Our Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) needs you! We're seeking substitute teachers for all grades and a Grade 2 aide. No experience necessary - we provide all materials and support. Your willingness to share your faith is all that's needed. Help shape young Catholics' spiritual journey in this rewarding ministry. Flexible options are available. Prayerfully consider joining us. Contact Karen Balestino at to learn more and make a difference in our parish youth's faith formation.

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Pastor's Corner: August 25

Posted on August 26, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: August 25
Sometimes people say things, often in rather casual conversation, that stick with us. They are “words that crackle,” to borrow from the theologian David Power. One such phrase came from an artist friend. She said, “Good art is a moral choice.” Good art is a moral choice. Not a great way of making a living. Not the road to undying fame. Not the path to thunderous applause. Not what necessarily looks pretty or makes people happy. Good art is a moral choice because it points, as people of faith believe, to the One who is the Good, the True, and the B...

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Carnival Set Up

Posted on August 20, 2024 in: General News

Carnival Set Up
Time is ticking away.....Carnival starts Thursday September 5th. Please consider helping. We need everyone’s support to have a successful carnival. You may call any of the numbers below or see a representative in the back of the church to find out more or sign up. Here is some important information for you. THANK YOU for making our jobs a bit easier. SET UP DATES: September 3-4th- Final set up nights for carnival. Game stands will be set up, flags, tables and chairs in the alley, etc. September 5, 6, 7th – IT’S GO TIME! We need help in all areas so p...

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Pastor's Corner: August 18

Posted on August 19, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: August 18
The other evening I was having drinks with some friends from Muncy—people who knew both me and Deacon McCarroll. They asked about when he’d be going back to school. Then they posed the question: “Will you miss him?” “Of course, I’ll miss him,” I quickly responded. Almost as quickly one of them offered the helpful suggestion: “Well, you could always get a dog.” Let me be clear: I’m not getting a dog. Let me also be clear: I will miss Deacon McCarroll. I value our friendship, and I have enjoyed sharing ministry wi...

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Check Out Our Weekly Bulletin for August 18
Get the latest parish updates, events, and announcements. Our newest bulletin for the week of August 18 is now available!

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A Message from Deacon Andrew

Posted on August 16, 2024 in: General News

A Message from Deacon Andrew
As I come to the end of my internship year with the parish families of St. Boniface and St. Lawrence, I can’t help but notice how appropriate this Sunday’s gospel (John 6:51-58) is for us as a community. In these verses, Jesus reveals himself to us as the Bread of Life, saying, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever... Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” Over the past year, we have gathered around the Lord’s Table, sharing the Body and Blood of Jesus Chr...

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PREP & High School Ministry Registration Now Open
Registration is now open for our Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) and High School Ministry. This includes:PREP: Kindergarten through Grade 8 (for students not attending Catholic School) and High School Ministry: Grades 9-12. Both programs will run concurrently, starting Sunday, September 15, 2024, at 9:15 a.m.  We've streamlined the process with a single online registration form for K-12 students, making it more convenient for families with children in multiple age groups. Program costs: 1 student: $20 2 students: $35 3 or more st...

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PREP, Youth Ministry
Check Out Our Bulletin for the Week of August 11
Get the latest parish updates, events, and announcements. Our newest bulletin for the week of August 11 is now available!

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Parish Picnic This Weekend!

Posted on August 09, 2024 in: General News

Parish Picnic This Weekend!
Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 11, as we gather for the Parishes of St. Boniface & St. Lawrence annual picnic at the South Williamsport Sports Complex. The festivities begin at noon, with lunch served at 12:30 p.m. ALL ARE WELCOME to this joyous community event! We will provide a delicious spread of chicken, hot dogs, hamburger barbecue, and refreshing drinks. We'll also have exciting games and prizes for everyone to enjoy. We invite you to bring your favorite covered dish or dessert to share. Don't forget to pack a folding chair for your comfort. If ...

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Parish Picnic

Carnival Needs

Posted on August 04, 2024 in: General News

Carnival Needs
Theme Buckets: Select a new, empty bucket from the back of the church after Mass. Fill a bucket with $15+ worth of themed items (lottery, baking, spa, car kit, family fun, etc.) for our popular Bucket Stand. Place filled buckets at the back of the church by  September 1. Please don't drop off buckets at the rectory. Carnival Tickets: Unclaimed envelopes and extra tickets are available on the table. Volunteers Needed: We're seeking help for setup, during the carnival, and cleanup. More details next week.  

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Carnival Needs

Posted on August 04, 2024 in: General News

Carnival Needs
Theme Buckets: Select a new, empty bucket from the back of the church after Mass. Fill a bucket with $15+ worth of themed items (lottery, baking, spa, car kit, family fun, etc.) for our popular Bucket Stand. Place filled buckets at the back of the church by  September 1. Please don't drop off buckets at the rectory. Carnival Tickets: Unclaimed envelopes and extra tickets are available on the table. Volunteers Needed: We're seeking help for setup, during the carnival, and cleanup. More details next week.  

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Pastor's Corner: August 4

Posted on August 04, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Pastor's Corner: August 4
A couple of years ago, I joined some priest friends in reading and discussing a book called Words Without Allow, A Biography of the Lectionary for Mass. We were interested in the project that faced the Church in the 1960s when Vatican II called for more scripture at Mass. How does one expand a set of readings that had been set for centuries upon centuries? What scheme for including various parts of the Bible? What discussions happened in those meetings, around those tables? Honestly, it was some of the most tedious reading we’ve ever done. Well researched, carefull...

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Genesis Mission Workshop

Posted on August 02, 2024 in: General News

Genesis Mission Workshop
Genesis Mission Workshop will be at St Lawrence Hall August 8th. Please register by Monday to attend. The Office for Parish Life is excited to announce that Genesis Mission is coming to the Diocese of Scranton in August! International Co-Founders Father Jon Bielawski and Michele Thompson will lead the workshops which will outline for participants how to confidently evangelize in their everyday lives through simple relational methods of meaningful conversations. This area impacts adult formation in evangelization and...

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