

Pastor's Corner: August 18

Posted on August 19, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

The other evening I was having drinks with some friends from Muncy—people who knew both me and Deacon McCarroll. They asked about when he’d be going back to school. Then they posed the question: “Will you miss him?” “Of course, I’ll miss him,” I quickly responded. Almost as quickly one of them offered the helpful suggestion: “Well, you could always get a dog.” Let me be clear: I’m not getting a dog.

Let me also be clear: I will miss Deacon McCarroll. I value our friendship, and I have enjoyed sharing ministry with him—as a seminarian and as a deacon, I appreciate all he’s done for our parishes and our Catholic school. I’m certain that all of us will keep him in prayer as he enters these final months of considerable preparation for priestly ordination and priestly life. And, of course, he will always be welcome at St Boniface and St Lawrence parishes.

At the same time, let’s not lose sight of the need to continue to pray and work for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Recently, one of my brother priests challenged me: “When will your parish provide a vocation?” It’s been a while. There was a time when we seemed to offer a steady stream of men into the seminary and into ordained life. We can do that again. But, we have to realize it’s up to us. We can’t expect that priests will miraculously come from other places and other parishes. If we’re to have priests in our future, let’s look to our sons and grandsons, our brothers and nephews. Pray for them, yes. But, ask the question. Make them at least think about their vocation. Help them to be open to hear the voice of God.

To get in touch with the Vocations Office, please email or contact Father Alex Roche, our Diocesan Director of Vocations and Seminarians, 570-207-1452 or one of the Assistant Vocation Directors.

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