

Thank You PREP Team

Posted on September 27, 2022 in: Religious Education

As we begin our PREP year, we continue to pray for our catechists and all those who volunteer as part of our PREP Team. In addition to our regular classroom teachers, we have 25 adult and teen volunteers who give of their time on Sunday mornings to share their faith and talents with our children. Please thank them for their vital service to our parish family.

  • Safety Directors—Chris Kriner, Butch McCusker
  • Assistant to the DRE—Sue McCusker
  • Adult Aide—Jen Hubler
  • Youth Aides—Callie Anderson, Ben Cappel, Chase Cowden, Connor Cowden
  • Substititute Catechists— Sue McCusker, Dianne Fisher, Tina Pulver, Ray Fischer, Jen Dincher, Heather Krine,r Anne Hetzel, Jennifer Weaver, Ben Kantack


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