

John Bower Basketball Signups

Posted on October 10, 2022 in: General News

John Bower Basketball is back! It is that time of year again to sign your child up for John Bower Basketball. Teams are being formed in the following divisions: 

  • Beginner Pee-Wee (K thru 2nd)
  • Pee Wee (3rd thru 5th)
  • Midget (4th thru 6th)
  • Juniors (7th thru 9th)
  • Seniors (10th thru 12th)

Please download, complete, and return the application (fillable PDF) in its entirety to the S.J.N.R.A. school office, to the St. Boniface church office, or email it to Thomas Reid at at your earliest convenience, but no later than Friday, November 4, 2022. The registration fee is $15.00 for your 1st child and $10.00 for each additional child. If you are paying by check, please make it payable to “St. Boniface Church”. This covers the registration fees for the league and a uniform shirt for this season. Also, if you are interested in coaching or helping with a team, your help will be greatly appreciated and needed. As a coach or volunteer with the league, you will need to complete a simple criminal background check and completion of the VIRTUS online training. These are required by the Scranton Diocese to work with children. 

Download the application (fillable PDF).  Sign up sheets are also available in the rear of the church. If you have questions, please contact Thomas Reid at or 570-979-6832.


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