

Adult Faith Formation Series

Posted on October 25, 2022 in: General News

The Synod Listening Sessions from St. Boniface and St. Lawrence showed that parishioners would like a refresher course on church teachings. So, in November and December we will present the first five sessions of a year-long study using the FORMED video series, “Symbolon.” These are thought-provoking 30-minute videos followed by time for discussion led by Jack Houston and Brian Haas, with our priests in attendance from time to time to join in the discussion.

Online guides for “Symbolon” are available on the FORMED website. You can also purchase a guide directly from FORMED if you wish. However, no guide or sign up is necessary for this study. You can attend sessions as you are able. We are offering Wednesday sessions from 2:00-3:15 p.m. and 7:00-8:15 p.m. beginning on November 9. Both sessions will be held at St. Lawrence Hall. Choose the time that best suits you.

Nov. 9—Journey of Faith, the Trinity, & God Who is Love

Nov. 16—Divine Revelation, How God communicates with us

Nov. 30—The Bible: God’s Love Letter to Humanity

Dec.7—The Story of Salvation: Creation, Fall, Redemption

Dec. 14—Who is Jesus? Just a Good Man or Lord of Our Lives?


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