

Pastor's Corner: December 4

Posted on December 04, 2022 in: Pastor's Corner

First, some congratulations to a few of our neighbors. The Saturday after Thanksgiving, Bishop Bambera ordained several men as permanent deacons, among them Deacon John Bubb from St. Joseph the Worker Parish, and Deacon Matthew Eisley from Immaculate Conception and St. Luke’s Parishes. We thank them for their willingness to say “yes” to God’s call to serve his people in our area.

Also, congratulations later this week to the Sisters of Christian Charity (SCCS). Thursday, December 8 is the holyday, the Immaculate Conception of Mary— patroness to the SCCS (and to the United States, as well). They will be renewing their vows at the 5:30 p.m. Mass at St. Boniface. Keep them in prayer as they continue to serve others in the name of Jesus.

As we note those who serve and lead, let’s not forget the Church’s need for vocations. The people of God need priests and deacons, religious women and men. The people of God need altar servers and catechists, musicians and lectors, communion ministers and faithful women and men ready to attend to the needs of the poor. God continues to call us. Just like he called the prophets to dream of a Messiah. Just like he called John the Baptist to harangue people about sin and repentance. Just like he called Mary and Joseph to a strange and wonderful vocation. This Advent, listen to God’s call. Be willing to say “yes”. Be willing to say that “yes” when it’s the call to give your whole life away. Be willing to say that “yes” when it’s just an inconvenient task—be it reading at the Mass that wasn’t your first choice to attend or listening to someone’s problems on your busy day. Say “yes” because God calls you. Say “yes” because God’s people need you.

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