

Increased Offertory Program

Posted on January 20, 2023 in: General News

In the coming week you will receive a brochure introducing our Increased Offertory Program. I am sure you are all proud to be part of the Saint Boniface and Saint Lawrence community. On commitment weekend, January 28 & 29, you will be invited to participate in this important program and help us respond to God’s great gift of love. Please prayerfully consider how you and your family can help by financially supporting our ministries, furthering our mission, and reinforcing our future. We ask that all faithful parishioners complete the commitment card included in the brochure. You can choose to:

  • Mail the completed card back to the church using the pre-addressed envelope included in the mailing
  • Bring your card to Mass next Sunday
  • Visit our parish website to complete an electronic commitment card (available soon)

The back of the commitment card has a place for you to include any prayer intentions you wish to share. We welcome all intentions and they will be prayed for collectively over the next few weeks. If you would like to speak to a priest, please indicate so on your card and we will be in contact with you. Our goal is 100% participation! Thank you for your generosity and support of Saint Boniface and Saint Lawrence.

Faith in the Present, Hope for the Future

Commitment card


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