

Pastor's Corner: March 5

Posted on March 05, 2023 in: Pastor's Corner

A few years back, we received a new English translation of the Mass. We’ve grown used to “and with your spirit” rather than “and also with you.” So, of course, it’s time for the Church to launch a new English translation for another sacrament: Reconciliation. When you come to confession this Lent and beyond you may notice—and, admittedly, the change is so small you can miss this—two small changes in the priest’s words. Now we tell you that the Father has “poured out” the Spirit and that the Church promises that God will “grant” you forgiveness. “Poured out” speaks to the personal aspect of the Father’s gift. He’s not sending something separate from himself. The Holy Spirit, who is God, comes directly from the Father and the Son. And “grant” instead of “give.” “Grant” comes as a response to a request. We as sinners confess because we want to experience God’s mercy. And God’s response is: “You requested, I will grant it.” Next week, we’ll talk about a few other words that have changed a little bit—words that you and I speak as penitents.

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