

Pastor's Corner: May 14

Posted on May 14, 2023 in: General News

The Mass schedule: let’s cut to the quick! We will keep the PREP year Sunday schedule in place throughout the year—8 a.m. at St. Lawrence and 10:30 a.m. at St. Boniface. Thank you to everyone who offered their input. The responses were relatively even. Some folks actually argued both sides. Some people proposed completely different schedules from the two options on the table. I have to tell you, you don’t all share the same definition of Sabbath rest. Many of you want the Lord’s Day to offer an opportunity to sleep in. Others find rest in getting up earlier and doing more throughout the day. (And I know this wasn’t an essay project, but you were free—and I’m glad you felt that freedom—to share your explanations of why you checked which box.) Three observations helped me feel confident about a change to a year-round schedule. First, we do have a schedule that is rooted in our PREP program and that tries to make PREP equally comfortable to both parishes. I hope we want to serve our younger parishioners—they are our future! Secondly, I agree that consistency helps—especially for visitors. And lastly, while none of us—including me—really wants to wrap our minds around this thought, one day we’ll have only one priest serving these two parishes and we want him to serve both parishes well—arriving early to each Mass and staying afterward to greet both congregations.

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