

Happy Retirement, Yvonne!

Posted on June 11, 2023 in: General News

Congratulations to Yvonne Mitchell! For almost 30 years, week after week, season by season, through Christmas Eves and Holy Weeks, All Souls Day requiems and special events such as Amahl and the Night Visitors and Music for Mary, Yvonne has brought her artistry to St. Boniface's magnificent Ruffatti organ and our Yamaha piano. She has made us happier to gather together in worship and more aware of the presence of the Lord. As her colleague, I have known Yvonne to be always generous with her time and her considerable talent. When she told me of her intention to retire, I tried to change her mind, pointing out that she is still comparatively young—at least, compared to me! But when she told me that she wants to spend more time with her mother, her children, and her grandchildren, I knew my arguments had fallen flat. She did agree to return now and then, and I intend to hold her to that promise. If you see her—but not while her fingers are on the keys—please thank her for the beauty she has brought to our lives. ~Gary Boerckel, St. Boniface choir director


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