

VBS in Pictures

Posted on June 30, 2023 in: General News

“The Kingdom of God” themed 2023 Vacation Bible School was attended by nearly 80 children from St. Boniface, St. Lawrence, St. Ann, and St. Joseph the Worker parishes. A better understanding of the King of all Kings and the Blessed Mother was creatively shared each morning during Faith and Bible station experiences, along with Adoration.

The event, which took place at the St. John Neumann Regional Academy High School, also included opportunities to learn through art, interactive snacks, music, and games. The week ended with a fun time in a castle bouncy house. A special thank you to adult volunteers Carol Purcell, Pat Chesnut, Vicki Fischer, Karen Fry, Sharon Thompson, Brittnee Roan, Connie Thomke, and Gina Hamm, along with Seminarian Andrew and Father McCreary, and a number of wonderful student volunteers. Each and every volunteer made the week such a great experience for the children. Check out the VBS pictures posted here on our parish website.


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