

Shortly after Fr. Bill was appointed Pastor, I came to visit him. Having never been to Williamsport, I was treated to the grand tour and was wined & dined. During that visit, we discussed the possibility of my coming here to assist him. The rest is history!

I must say any apprehension on my part was quickly diminished by your bright smiles, kind words, and extended hands of friendship. But, as the scripture tells us, “for everything there is a season.” The time has come for me to reluctantly take my leave and start the next adventure in my life. My last day at the parish will be Wednesday, July 26, at which time I will return to Florida.

My deepest gratitude goes to both Chris & Ricci who have come to my rescue more times than I can count. I cannot begin to name all of those who contributed their time, energy, and talents to all the events that have occurred in the parish during these past years. You know who you are!! As I enter the “fourth quarter of life”, I look back and am grateful for all God’s gifts. My time with you has been amongst the very best! I thank God and you for this special gift.

I hope to return to Williamsport each summer for a few weeks and look forward to seeing you again. So it’s not farewell—it’s “arrivederci”! (until we see one another again)

God’s Love, Fr. Bob

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