

Pastor's Corner: July 23

Posted on July 22, 2023 in: Pastor's Corner

You might have noticed as we read through St. Matthew’s gospel that this evangelist loved to collect and organize his material. Where John might have alternated miracles with teaching, while Mark might have pushed forward quickly with the story’s action, Matthew groups things—especially Jesus’ teaching—according to genre or theme.

For example, just before Lent began, Matthew gave us a lengthy Sermon on the Mount—an ordered collection of teaching about forgiveness and anger, marriage and sex, prayer, and repentance. Right now at Sunday Mass, we’re listening to parables—short stories, taken from ordinary human experience, that invite the hearer to reflect to find the meaning. (Notice how often the disciples seem stumped and ask Jesus for help in finding that meaning!)

And while what we sing and pray, preach and read at Mass might push us to a particular interpretation, as we hear these parables Christ invites us to make them our own. Where has God’s grace taken root in our lives? Where do see the devil’s hand in our world, even in our hearts? Do we appreciate the small moments of our lives—the mustard seed and the yeast—as much as we do the great experiences of God’s presence?

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