

Andrew's Corner: July 30

Posted on July 31, 2023 in: General News

Thank you to all of those who welcomed me back from my time in Ghana with Bishop Bambera and Seminarian Tom Dzwonczyk! Simply, it was a powerful experience that opened my eyes to the universality of our Church. However, as you read this I am once more on the other side of the globe – this time in Portugal for World Youth Day 2023.

Throughout my time in Ghana, I saw a local Church that is new, energetic, and expanding. Some of the unforgettable highlights were participating in robust, elaborate, and culturally-rich liturgies; as well as an ordination for fourteen newly ordained priests. I visited many schools, hospitals, religious communities, parishes, and mission churches. I even saw six elephants!

For myself, an easy and naive understanding of this opportunity in Ghana would be to compare the external differences between the Church in Africa and the Church in the United States. I have to admit, it can be comfortable for me to simply remain on a surface level that views any trip as an “experience” of a different culture and Church.

However, the one insight I have discovered from my time in Ghana is not an innovative method for boosting Mass attendance, a new style of worship, or a different view of God. Rather, I have come to appreciate and understand that it is the very same God, faith, and sacraments that we celebrate together in our community.

These past few weekends we have heard a lot regarding the nature of the “kingdom of heaven.” From sowing seeds in good soil, wheat, and weeds, to a mustard seed. This weekend we hear that the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant who finds a pearl of great price (Matthew 13:44-52).

The variety of metaphors presented to us shows that the heavenly kingdom is so vast, unexplainable, and diverse. Whether we find ourselves in Williamsport, Ghana, or wherever in God’s Kingdom; we are continuously being presented with a pearl of great price: our common faith in God through Jesus Christ.

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