

Our adult series begins on Monday, September 11, with an episode of “The Chosen” from 7-8:30 p.m. in the St. Boniface rectory basement (RAC). “The Chosen” is an engaging presentation of the life of Jesus and the call of His “chosen” ones. Learn the backstories of the Apostles and others and how Jesus welcomes them to be His disciples as we reflect upon how we are being called to follow Christ. Refreshments and conversation follow the video presentation. The evening will be hosted by Jack Houston, Anne Hetzel, and Bob & Carol Pursell.

Other faith formation sessions planned for adults this year include:

  • Monthly viewings of “The Chosen” (starting September 11)
  • Fall Symbolon Series, an in-depth look at the sacraments (starting October 4)
  • Sunday PREP talks (starting October 22)
  • Advent scripture study series, a winter eucharistic revival series
  • Spring Symbolon series—The Church’s Moral & Social Justice Teachings 

Watch the bulletin for specific listings of dates and times.

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