

Pastor's Corner: October 1

Posted on October 01, 2023 in: Pastor's Corner

Today, Respect Life Sunday reminds us each year of our deeply held Catholic belief that all life, from conception until natural death, matters. This year the Bishop’s Conference has chosen to focus on St. Joseph as “the protector of life.” I was particularly moved by a series of images on their website, pictures of Joseph as one who protects life. First, Joseph dreams about Mary’s unexpected and complicated pregnancy. Next, Joseph knocks on doors in Bethlehem looking for somewhere to stay. Then, Joseph with Mary and her newborn Son. Finally, Joseph leads Mother and Child away from Herod’s violent threat. Can we learn from Joseph to care for life in our world? To hear God’s word speaking to us over the clamor of popular opinions? To provide care for mothers and families in crisis? To confront the world’s violence with our cries for justice and peace?

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