

Pastor's Corner: October 15

Posted on October 17, 2023 in: Pastor's Corner

“Something old, something new…” So began the old adage about what a bride should have on her person on her wedding day. As a Church we’re looking at some new and old things these coming weeks.

First, a reminder that today at St. Boniface we begin a new approach to how we come to the altar for communion. Let’s be patient with each other. Try to remember which way we’re supposed to go. Remember why we opted for this change: to offer a more reverent way for all of us to receive the Lord’s Body and Blood.

Secondly, the Williamsport area parishes are inviting the faithful to pray a common Forty Hours Devotion October 24-26. Mass in the morning (8 a.m.) and Vespers in the evening (7 p.m.) at St. Joseph the Worker (Tuesday), Our Lady of Lourdes (Wednesday) and St. Boniface (Thursday). Each church will be open on its day for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Thirdly, we’re offering you a tidier way to remember the dead on All Souls Day and the month of November. In the narthexes, you’ll find a Book of the Dead. Please write in those books the names of your deceased. Try not to confuse this book, meant only for the deceased, with the regular prayer intention book!

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