

Pastor's Corner: October 22

Posted on October 23, 2023 in: Pastor's Corner

Last week I gave you a glimpse of a couple of upcoming events. One of them—the one happening this week— may require a little more explanation. I’m talking about the 40 Hours Devotion. Some of you have asked: Just what is this? Why are we doing this now? First, 40 Hours Devotion consists of a few days (usually three—the “40 hours” more or less corresponds to the time Christ’s body was in the tomb) of Eucharistic Adoration. After morning Mass the host is placed in the monstrance. People are encouraged to visit the church for quiet prayer. The day ends with a Liturgy for the community—in this instance, Evening Prayer and Benediction. At one time, most parishes scheduled these Eucharistic Days at some point in the year.

Why now? Largely in response to requests. The US Bishops have called us to this sort of prayer as part of our national Eucharistic Revival. Sitting in the presence of the Eucharistic Lord does rather drive home the power of this sacrament. We’ve heard remarks on how this deanery once hosted successful Road to Resurrection programs each Lent. We hope that by sharing the 40 Hours between three of our parishes we’ll reflect that unity, that sense of the larger Catholic community as we pray and adore.

In any case, please join us! For Mass, for private prayer, for Evening Prayer. Be part of the effort to revive our appreciation of the Eucharist, part of our journey to meet the Lord in the breaking of the bread.

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