

Pastor's Corner: October 29

Posted on October 29, 2023 in: Pastor's Corner

Scary and fun. Journeys into darkness and light. This world and the next. The living and the dead. It’s all part of the three days that bring us from October into November: Halloween, All Saints and All Souls. Let’s not forget to pray these mysterious (in the best, the most sacred, sense of the word) days. We all know how to do Halloween. But, remember what lies behind the costumes, the tricks, and the treats. We’re delving into the dark side so that we can journey to the brilliance of the next day—All Saints. All Saints Day we celebrate and ask the intercessions of the women and men who now rejoice in heaven’s light. Make Mass a part of this holy day: 7 a.m. at St. Lawrence, 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. at St. Boniface. (Check the bulletin for other local Mass times.) All Souls Day we pray for our deceased on their way to the kingdom. 8:00am Mass at St Boniface. 10:00am at the UPMC Tower Chapel. 7 p.m. Mass at St. Boniface with the Faure setting of the Requiem Mass. (The music for that evening Mass will enhance our prayers!)

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