

Pastor's Corner: December 10

Posted on December 10, 2023 in: Pastor's Corner

The other day I saw an article about how Christmas music touches our emotions—often in surprising ways. Sure, a beloved carol reminds us of truths we hold dear. It can conjure up sweet memories of past holidays. A Christmas song can speak to our sadness—people no longer in our lives, holidays we’ll never live again. Some songs were even written to be melancholy: think of “Last Christmas” or “I’ll Be Home For Christmas.”

Advent never lets us get away without somber notes. Jesus tells us to wake up for the Last Judgment. John the Baptist names us as sinners who need to repent. The road to Christmas is not all shining stars and singing angels!

But, let’s use those somber notes to our advantage. Jesus wakes up to recognize our ongoing need for mercy. John preaches that sinners, not the already good enough, will find comfort. Let’s listen to these holy voices. Admit our sins— the things we make into little gods, the anger, the lust, the lies and gossip, the petty jealousies, the sheer selfishness. And then confess it. Christ gave his Church this sacrament to set us free, to comfort and strengthen us in our struggles, and to prepare us for his kingdom. Accept the gift that brings us new life.

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