

A Message from Andrew: February 25

Posted on February 27, 2024 in: General News

Some of you may know that I am a pretty avid hiker. Although our nation provides many opportunities to experience different landscapes, there is nothing like the beauty of the Appalachian Mountains in Northeastern and Northcentral PA. I often find myself trying to find a new mountain, vista, or outlook to experience – but, mountains can be tricky things. Sometimes the hike is pleasant, the weather is wonderful, and the view from the top is inspiring. Other times the hike can be difficult, the weather can change drastically, and the “view” can be disrupted by fog, clouds, or harsh climates.

In our first reading and gospel, we are given two scenes that take place on top of a mountain. In our first reading, we hear about the story of Abraham’s test to sacrifice Isaac on top of a high place. In our gospel, we hear about Peter, James, and John’s amazement at seeing Jesus’ transfiguration on top of a mountain. These two readings show us one of the most horrifying, and yet, one of the most inspiring moments on top of a mountain. I think we could all agree that our gospel is a wonderful encounter and that our first reading leaves us feeling a bit uncomfortable.

However, I don’t think that these two readings are separate from each other. In both readings, God is present and at work in the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and the three apostles. For any of us, it is tempting to think that God is only present and at work in those inspiring and positive moments in our lives. But, God is also present and at work in those low and confusing moments that we all experience. No matter what kind of “mountain” you find yourself on top of today – whether inspiring or uncomfortable – our God is always faithful, present, and at work in every moment of our wonderful and messy lives.

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