

Andrew's Corner: March 31

Posted on April 01, 2024 in: General News

This Sunday we hear that familiar Easter story of the women coming to the tomb of Jesus only to find it empty. We all know the highlight of the story, but it doesn’t end there. These faithful women went out to proclaim what they had seen by their bold witness to the faith – encouraging us to do the same. But, how do we give witness to this faith? Although I could go down the list of how to live an authentic Christian life, I believe that it is pretty simple. We witness to our faith by following the unique path that God has given to every one of us. We call this response a “vocation.” That particular way in which we respond to the light of Christ by living out our call to marriage, single life, religious life, or ordained ministry as a deacon or priest.

For the past eight years of my life, including my internship year at St. Boniface and St. Lawrence, I have been discerning where God has been calling me to witness to the faith. After years of prayer and seminary formation, the Church has discerned that my response of faith – my vocation – is to ordained service in this local Church of Scranton. So, I’m excited to share some upcoming steps in my journey towards the priesthood!

On Sunday, April 21 I will be making my Profession of Faith, Oath of Fidelity, and Declaration of Freedom at 10:30 a.m. Mass in St. Boniface Church. This is the moment when I promise to uphold the faith of the Church in complete freedom. On Saturday, May 25 at 10:00 a.m. I will be ordained as a transitional deacon in St. Peter’s Cathedral, Scranton. On Sunday, May 26, I will be preaching as a deacon at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. God has been at work in my life and God is at work in yours – step out and boldly witness that Christ is alive through your vocation!

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