

Pastor's Corner: May 19

Posted on May 19, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Here’s a question I appreciate because it allows/encourages more than one answer: Who is/are your favorite saint(s)?

How can I skip mentioning the Mother of God? How could anyone say “Oh, I like loads of saints, but Mary not so much.”? I’m putting Mary in my answer but in a particular way. I’ve always been drawn to Our Lady of Lourdes. I read—and reread-- The Song of Bernadette growing up. I’m fascinated by the way that image of Mary in the grotto with the peasant girl St Bernadette pops everywhere (except, oddly in our rectory, where the statues are routinely Our Lady of Grace). Her story reflects the power of the gospel Magnificat—a God who looks on the lowly and is found among the poor and simple.

My other choice is St. Thomas Becket—whose brave authenticity made him a martyr in an age where martyrs were few. I was particularly moved when I once made a pilgrimage to Canterbury, to the place of his death, walking up the same street that pilgrims walked for centuries.

And the second question: At which age did you start discerning the priesthood? I was a late bloomer. I was in my mid-20s before the idea ever occurred to me. My conversations with priests and friends that led me to the seminary only began when I was 28 or 29. As they say, it’s not over ‘til it’s over.

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