

Pastor's Corner: June 16

Posted on June 17, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Finally, the last two questions!

What type of music do you like to listen to? I can answer that by naming the Sirius stations in my car. Classical, Broadway, Jazz—in that order. I sometimes dabble in popular music—a little Billy Joel, some ABBA, some R&B. Almost never Country.

What attracted you to the priesthood? I can answer in one word: Jesus. As a Catholic, I find his life and message compelling. I wanted to be part of his mission—into whatever vocation that would lead me. In last weekend’s homily, I talked about how as Church we need to be focused on Jesus and his mission. Where we worship, when we gather for Mass, what music we hear, and what architecture surrounds us matters nothing if we’re not about Jesus. It’s the same with priesthood. If it’s not about Jesus, we’re getting it wrong.

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