

Pastor's Corner: September 15

Posted on September 15, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Think about the last words Jesus spoke before he left this earth. Think about what he didn’t say. And think about what he did say. He didn’t say: “You’re my Church. Be glad that you’ve heard the good news. Hang on to it, it’ll get you into heaven.” No, Jesus said: “Go, proclaim the good news to all the nations.” Our faith isn’t a treasure we’re to cling to, it’s meant to be shared—boldly and lovingly. Let’s think about what this means to us:

Live a vibrant Christian life. The philosopher and Catholic convert, Gabriel Marcel once said “I first believed by believing in the faith of others.” If we’re not excited about our relationship with Jesus Christ, why would anyone else be? Nurture our prayer lives. Receive the sacraments. Contributed to the life of the parish.

Invite. OCIA (once RICA) is starting up—and there’s still time for folks to join. Invite a friend or family member. Look around us. Both our churches are surrounded by houses, and neighborhoods where people live and work. And every one of them has a right—because of what Jesus commanded his disciples—to hear the gospel. (If you’re not sure how to do this, get involved in the evangelization ministries that our Diocese is setting in our parishes, in our area!)

Welcome. Don’t pass by the stranger at Mass. Talk to people you don’t know. Help them get involved in the parish’s life. Answer their questions. Introduce them to other people. Remember Christ’s words: “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”

Support Vocations. One of the fathers of the Church said that apart from the Eucharist there is no Church. And there’s no Eucharist without a priest. Encourage young people to consider a vocation to service in the Church—as priest or deacon, religious brother or sister.

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