

Pastor's Corner: October 6

Posted on October 04, 2024 in: Pastor's Corner

Now it’s time to talk about names. Names of parishes, names of churches. In a consolidation of parishes—the process we’re doing with St. Lawrence and St. Boniface—a new name may be assigned. And the person who gives that name is the Bishop of the Diocese. He issues the decree creating the parish. In that decree, he names the parish.

But, bishops don’t work in a vacuum. The pastor will make a request for a name, usually offering several options. I’ll be doing it later this month when I’m called to appear before Bishop Bambera and the Priests’ Council (one of his advisory bodies). I don’t get to simply create those names, either. I look to the Parish Pastoral Council to advise me. That’s why they’re there, to advise. For these two parishes, that’s why you elected them to this particular ministry.

Our pastoral council has recommended retaining the name of St Boniface for the new parish, comprised of two church buildings—St Lawrence and St. Boniface—which will always retain the names given at their dedication. Council deliberated carefully about the name. They just finished the fourth meeting to discuss these options. They thought about our local history. They considered the mission and vision of the saints possibly involved. They listened to folks from other parishes describe the positives and negatives of taking on a new name.

We’re certainly aware from last week’s Listening Session that questions were raised, largely around dismay that processes weren’t more democratic. This has been a learning process for everyone. Rather than close down the discussion, we’re giving you an option to suggest names.  How? Write an email. There is no need to offer explanations, complaints, questions, etc. Just write an email to Give us the name(s) you’d like us to consider. Get that email to the office before noon on Monday, October 14.

Whatever the result—which is ultimately out of my hands, the Parish Council’s hands, and yours—remember this:  In our churches, babies will baptized into a new life in Christ Jesus, priests will actually forgive your sins, and bread and wine will continue to become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. That is the heart of our faith, that makes us Church.

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