

What Is the Parish Pastoral Council and Who Can Serve On the Council?

WHAT - All Baptized Catholics who are members of St. Boniface Parish are eligible to be nominated and selected to serve on the Parish Pastoral Council.

WHEN - The council meets monthly with an agenda set by the pastor and the president of the council (current meetings are 3rd Monday of each month).

WHERE - The council meetings are held in the RAC (Rectory Activity Center) or the St. Lawrence Church Hall

WHY - The council provides servant leadership by representing the interests of all parishioners. The council serves by providing collaborative feedback to the pastor.

HOW - The council is composed of eleven (11) members who may serve up to two (2), three (3) year consecutive terms.

  • All parishioners of St. Boniface Parish may nominate individuals for the selection process. Individuals may also nominate themselves for the selection process. Nomination forms and instructions will be provided in the bulletins in the Spring.
  • The selection process will be held in the spring with new council members joining the council in July.
  • The selection process will involve a discernment program that may include an election.

For additional information:

Fr. McCreary, Pastor; Stephanie Radulski, President; Ministry Support Committee: Arnie Betts, Chair; Bob Pursell; Pat Rogers; Sue Lingg; Gloria O'Connell; Sharon Thompson; Dianne Fisher; Sister Teresa Ann Jacobs


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