

Catholic women of the Diocese

Posted on May 07, 2018 in: Ministries

We have been asked by the Catholic women of the Diocese to help them find  a parish coordinator for each parish.  Please forward this information below to the women in your life, wife, mother, sister, friend, etc. Thank you and God bless,  If your interested please email


As you all know, we are gearing up for our First Annual Catholic Women's Conference in Scranton on June 23, 2018! We envision 1,000 women attending from Northeast Pennsylvania and beyond! In order to make this dream a reality, weNEED YOUR HELP! We need you to say YES to being a Parish Coordinator for your parish.

What does a Parish Coordinator Do?

The job of the Parish Coordinator is to act as a liaison between your parish and me, Carol Conway. I am the Chair of the Parish Coordinators, so you will be working directly with me to get the word out to your parish about our amazing conference in June!

Some of the ways we will spread the word to the women in your parish are:

Bulletin Announcements
Flyers/Promotional Materials
Pulpit Announcements**
Email (where available)

We will provide ALL of the above materials... you just need to be the woman "on the ground", making sure this information gets to the other women in your parish!

**IMPORTANT: Some women's knees start to shake at the idea of making a "pulpit announcement". But have no fear! You don't have to MAKE the announcement! Simply recruit a female parishioner who is comfortable doing so. Or add our pulpit talk to your mass announcements each week. It's that easy!

Is God Calling You?

A phrase I have come to love is, "God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called." You can do this; we can help! If you feel God nudging you to say YES, then contact me right away at  We have lots of work to do and not a minute to waste! I am so excited! With your help, our conference will have 1,000 women in attendance... and maybe more!

Looking forward to hearing back from ALL of you!

Your Sister in Christ,

Carol Conway  

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