


Posted on March 21, 2018 in: General News

The word passion comes from the word passio, which means suffering. Jesus frequently referred to an "hour" which was coming when he would be rejected and have to suffer. His disciples rejected that hour. A suffering Messiah was not possible. To that moment Peter said, "God forbid". You and I know the rest of the story. Not only did Jesus suffer the most punishing manner of death, Crucifixion, but he called on us to carry a Cross.

It would not be like his cross but it would be a cross. All of us who have declared ourselves to be Jesus' followers know by experience that this is true. Human life itself is difficult. Add to that those particular crosses which come at every age. The young and the old and everybody in between are beset by crosses. Then there are the crosses that come from doing the right thing. Courageous people everywhere do the right thing which may bring a cross. Caring for the sick at home, suffering rejection from friends at school because you won't do the wrong thing. Sickness and disability and pain are the cross of so many. Crosses are unavoidable and they are everywhere.

The question for us is clear. How will you be a disciple who carries his or her cross? I believe the right reaction is to accept and surrender to those particular crosses that have come into your life. To avoid bitterness and anger and resentment will always be a challenge for the follower of Jesus. The willingness to carry the cross will be the substance of Easter. These remaining days of Lent can be so important. Let us give prayerful support to each other for a joyous Easter! ~


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