

Host Week May 20th--Well it is almost time for us to host the Family Promise guests again. Our next week will be May 20th – 27th. Kathy Venaski is our Food Coordinator and can be reached at 570-419-5712 if you are able to provide dinner for one of the nights. Ray Fischer has agreed to be our Overnight Coordinator.  He can be reached at 570-326-5464.  At this time there are 4 families, 5 adults and 9 children in the program. This can always change but we will let you know the exact number of guests the week before. We provide them with food for breakfast and lunch in addition to the dinners provided at the Parish Center. I am also looking for help with Set-Up, Van drivers, Tearing Down and Cleaning Up at the end of the week. As I say often, “Many hands make light work.”  If you are available and would like to help you can call or send me an email, Karen Rider, Family Promise Coordinator 570-525-3885 or via email If you would like to help but cannot offer your time we are always in need of grocery cards to help feed the guests for the week.  Thank you for helping us with this ministry.


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