

Farewell Reception for Msgr. McGough and Fr. Zipay

Our two priests will be having a last mass celebration on June 10, 2018 at 11 am.  There will be a reception immediately following in the school gym. 

We are looking for volunteers that are willing to make tea sandwiches (ham, chicken, tuna, egg salad, pimento cheese) and cookies, brownies, mini muffins for this event.  If you feel you could help, please call Diane Fisher at 570-322-3278 or Deb Wheeler at 570-220-2303.  There will also be a signup sheet located in the back of the church if you would prefer to sign up rather than call.  You would be able to drop them off Saturday, June 9th at the 4 pm mass or Sunday morning, June 10th before 10 am. 


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