

Newly Formed St. Boniface Senior Ministry to Reach Out to our Parishioners at Home.

One of the needs identified on our parish survey was an outreach to seniors. As the first step in our outreach, we have just organized a number of volunteers who were trained as Extraordinary Ministers of Communion. These volunteers are ready to travel to homes to visit, bring Communion and pray with those (of any age) who are unable to attend Mass. If you or a family member would like to learn more about this opportunity, please contact the rectory or Karen Balestino, ministry coordinator 570-327-1147.

St. Boniface Mission at Williamsport Hospital. We are in need of volunteers to give communion to the sick-One Saturday per month for 2 hours. If you are not a Eucharistic Minister, we can train. Call Ray Fischer 570-326-5464


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