

RCIA Classes

Posted on August 09, 2018 in: General News

RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.  For those seeking to be initiated into the Catholic church, RCIA is the process of learning about and growing in the Catholic faith and deepening your relationship with Jesus Christ, leading to reception of the sacraments of baptism (if necessary), Confirmation and the Eucharist.  If you or anyone you know are interested in joining the Catholic Church, or have questions and want to learn more, RCIA is for you!    Please call Brian Haas, RCIA Coordinator at 570-326-1544 for more information or

Are you interested in a personal relationship with God?

Have you been attending Mass but not able to fully participate in the sacraments?

Are you searching for a faith community?

Do you desire to learn more about the Catholic faith?

RCIA is for YOU…

Let the risen Jesus enter your life, welcome him as a friend, with trust: he is life! – Pope Francis



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