

Leave A Mark - Day of Service

Posted on September 04, 2018 in: Ministries

The #LeaveAMark Day of Service for the Diocese of Scranton is taking place here in Williamsport. This is a great opportunity to get out in the community and do some work.

I have been in contact with a few areas to serve and I will update all on those places. The SPCA is hosting a group, Expectations, Frieside Place, Local food pantries, and Family Promise are looking to accommodate us as well. But please send this out to your students, young adults and families. This is also a great time for school students to get a jump on their service hours as well as confirmation students. 

It will be Saturday September 15th 8:30 AM Mass to 12:00 PM Lunch and reflection

If you are interested in attending, please register at DAY of SERVICE:   

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend! 


Makenzie Conner, Director of Youth Ministry

St. Joseph the Worker Parish





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