

Confirmation 2018 Reminder

Posted on September 06, 2018 in: General News

CONFIRMATION REHEARSAL DATE is Sunday, September 16, 2018 at 2:00pm in the St. Boniface Church with Sponsor.  This celebration is for those who have completed the 2 year program and are entering into 9th grade in the fall.

Reminder: CONFIRMATION is scheduled for September 18, 2018 5:00pm  Confirmation Mass is Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 5:00pm at St. Boniface Church – Confirmation Candidates need to be at the church by 4:00pm for picture and seating.

What to wear at the Confirmation Mass:  Young men should wear dress slacks and dress shirt with a tie, and dress shoes. (No white sneakers – suit jacket is appropriate). Young women should wear a dress or a skirt appropriate in length and style.  Dress or Skirt should be at least knee length. Dress shoes should be appropriate for the occasion and comfortable. Clothing must be tasteful and modest and comfortable, and must not be a distraction to them or to others during the ceremony. When fixing hair, please remember your forehead must be uncovered for the Anointing from the Bishop.


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