

Youth Ministry Second Sunday

Posted on December 06, 2018 in: General News

Youth Ministry

Jesus 101 -What is Jesus really all about and do I have what it takes to be His Disciple?

Who: 9-12 graders

What: Dinner, Conversation, followed by Mass at 7:30pm

When: December 9, 5:30pm to 8:00pm

Where: St. Boniface Church & RAC
Instagram: SecondSunday_sBsL
Please join us on Second Sundays for high schoolers.  We'll have Mass, eat dinner, and talk about what goes on in church. Is it boring? Definitely less boring if you know what's actually happening & why.  Bring an empty stomach, open mind, and a friend. Families welcome and encouraged to attend Mass. Email with questions and to confirm attendance. See the Sunday bulletin insert for upcoming dates.




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