

Central America Mission

Posted on October 02, 2018 in: Social Concerns


"Walk of Water Projects"

Central Region

2018 - Projection Rain Harvesting systems for 25 families in las Lomas and Cerro de Piedra.

2017 - Rain Harvesting systems installed for 45 families in las Lomas and Cerro de Piedra.

2016 - Repair of communities wells and water catchment system in El Jicaro and Piedra de Agua, benefitting 100 families.

2015 - Installation of water lines, Barrio Nuevo Amanecer, benefitting 30 families.

2014 - Installation of water lines, drinking fountains and water tank, 15 de Septiembre and Vamos a Jesus schools, benefitting 500 students.


Northwest Region

2017 - Rehabilitation of 13 water systems in Jamaili Palacaguina, benefitting 103   individuals, 44 families.

2016 - Repair of  9 pumps for existing 16 water wells in Totogalpa and Cusmapa.

2015 - Installation of 9 water systems and wells and roofs over wells in Palacaguina, Madriz for a primary school (70-80 children) and 90 homes.

2014 - Rehabilitation and installation of wells and water tanks in Somoto.  A reforestation program was also implemented.


MISSION: ECUADOR - 2000-2018

Since 2000, catholic churches from Lycoming County have been involved in and worked with local churches and religious communities in Ecuador through Mission: Ecuador Making a Difference in the “Middle of the World.”  Together, with other organizations in Ecuador, we implement projects focusing on water/sanitation, health, education, child/youth/women/ elderly welfare.

Our members do more than just provide funds; together, we are living our faith. We have touched and change the lives of hundreds of people in many communities in different parts of Ecuador. These projects focus on short-term solutions and in lasting improvement on their health and overall welfare. These are of some of the centers our churches, had and are helping in Ecuador.


  • JUVILUS stands for “Juntos por la Vida en la Lucha contra el SIDA,” which means “Together for Life in the Fight Against AIDS.” This center is located in San Pablo Lago near Otavalo in the northern Imbabura Providence. The center is under the direction of a Board of Directors after the tragic death of the founder Fr. Alfonso Castells, a Franciscan Catholic Priest. The center cares for 24 orphaned or abandoned children (infant to 18 years) with HIV/AIDS.


  • “Instituto Estupinan” in Latacunga located south of Ecuador's capital Quito, is a home for 67 displaced and disabled elderly. It is under the direction of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul.  Our help included: kitchen implements, furniture, washer/dryers, industrial refrigeration and gas stove.


  • The Parish “Jesus del Grant Poder” in Cochapamba in Quito is under the direction of the Sisters of the Community of San Jose B. Cottolenges, an order from Italy. The parish includes a community center, infirmary, soup kitchen, it is also a house of refuge for 35 elderly people and offers after school activities and light meals for 65 underprivileged children.


  • “Caminos de Esperanza,” which means “Journeys of Hope” is a foundation calling their centers “Talita Kumi.” The name comes from the Bible, Mark 5:41, and says “Nina, te lo digo, levantate- Little girl, I say to you, arise!”  The center located in Tumbaco, province of Pichincha, near Quito, gives refuge to runaway, sexually and physical abused girls from many areas of Ecuador. Their director is a German woman named Theklan Amen and helps 44 girls. Some are teenage mothers between 12-19 years old with infants. 


  • “Ciudad de los Angeles” located in the south of Quito, a day care and rehabilitation center for 26 severe physically/ brain injured challenged children from 4 to 12 years old, under the direction of Fr. Ramiro Ramirez, staff and volunteers.


  • On April 16, 2016, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the coast of Ecuador, killing more than 650 people, injuring 16,600, and leaving thousands more homeless. Six days later, yet another 6.0 earthquake created even more suffering for the people living in this region.  With a joint effort, and with added contributions  from the Jesuit order, responsible  for managing the housing project. We helped, 13 families, after facing devastating circumstances they now have a place to call home, thanks to the generosity of so many in our communities. The entire project assisted 45 families!!


  • “San Miguel” Rehabilitation Center located in Salcedo, Ecuador the most comprehensive rehabilitation center in this region, for about 100 mentally and physically challenge children with diverse pathologies as: microcephaly, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, psycho-motor upset, under the direction of Fr. Antonio Vaca, from the diocese of Latacunga with Bishop Victoriano Naranjo (retired).  Implementation of this project included rehabilitation equipment, didactic teaching materials, classroom, kitchen equipment, also a gas and solar heating system for hydrotherapy.


  • “Alegria de Vivir” a day care center and infirmary for about 50  children 2 to 5 years old, from the poorest families in Calderon near the city of Quito. The center is under the auspices of the Salesians order, Don Bosco Foundation. Equipment, kitchen appliances and furniture was provided.


  •  “ Eight Integrated Centers for Development of Children” in Tanicuchi, Cotopaxi Province, Ecuador. The center care and educated 353 disabled and non-disabled children. With Fr. Pedro Casa from the Latacunga Diocese, (now the General Vicar). We worked with partners and provided classroom equipment and appliances.


  • “La Victoria,” a day care center in Pujili, Ecuador, for children and adults with mental and physical disabilities caused by lead exposure, under the Dioceses of Latacunga. We provided classroom, dinning and outdoor implements, didactic teaching materials.


  • “Corazon de Quito” The “alberge” a lodging home for poor travelers in Quito, is ideally located near the “Seguro Social” Hospital, the largest and only public hospital run by the government.

The center offers accommodations for patients and accompany family members who come great distances to seek medical service in the hospital. After their surgery, treatments or follow up visits many can not afford to pay for other accommodations. The center provides lodging and three hot meals for a minimal fee.  The foundation was founded by Fr. Bruno Strazieri, a Catholic priest from the community FIDEIS DOMUS in Italy, and is under the direction of a board of directors. Their needs are for the daily meals, rotating replacement of mattresses, bedding, towels, and personal needs.  Clean, safe drinking water has been one of the most important projects with Mission:Ecuador. Our yearly participation in water projects with other organizations had provided water systems for schools and communities in several towns.


Our churches support long-term solutions to these many needs  and we partner with local Rotary clubs, organizations and with Sirviendo F.A.I.T.H. Foundation for sustainable solutions and permanent improvements. Funding for these projects is constantly sought, and we provide what we can when a need is identified. We are continue to alleviate some of the heavy burden the priest and religion-nuns faced with their daily work and missions in many areas in Ecuador.

Susana M. Falck

St.Boniface / St.Lawrence

August 2018


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