

Mummer's Parade October 20, 2018

It is that time again the South Williamsport 73rd Annual MUMMERS PARADE. Come check out the food tent at the St. Lawrence Church in South Williamsport side yard- WHERE WE will be selling from the PAC PARADE FOOD TENT SATURDAY OCTOBER 20TH FROM 11:00AM TO END OF PARADE: We will be selling hamburgers, hot dogs and sausage. Also selling sweet treats and drinks. We will have a sign-up sheet in the back of the church for any items our parishioners can donate for this fundraiser. Got questions, we've got answers - call any member of the St. Lawrence PAC about this next fundraiser at the South Williamsport Mummers Parade.

Your help is needed. Bag treats are needed to sell that day: cookies, brownies, baked goods, etc. If you can’t bake, we will take a donation to purchase meat (hamburg and hot dogs). There will be a sign-up sheet in the back of the church for your use. You can bring your packaged items to the St. Lawrence Church Hall on Saturday morning the 20th.


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