

St. Boniface Turkey Party & Bingo

Posted on October 17, 2018 in: General News

St. Boniface Turkey Party and Bingo is Friday, November 16th. As in the past, purchasing a $1.00 ticket will entitle you to chances on 30 Gift Cards, admission to the hall the night of the party, free beverages, snacks and hot sandwiches. IT’S THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN!!!

If you have not come to a Turkey Party before, come and join us for the fun. 

Volunteers and ticket sellers are needed. It is a wonderful opportunity for you to enjoy yourself and help your fellow parishioner at the same time. We are only asking a few hours of your time. If you are interested in helping set-up, helping the night of the party, or cleaning up after the party, you may call Lenny (570-772-0722) or Sharon (570-220-4611) or drop the bottom of this letter in the collection.

In advance, thank you for all your support.
The St. Boniface Activities Committee



Phone Number________________________________________________

Best shift for you:   Early 7 – 9pm___________  Late 9pm –? ___________

Set up (Friday 1pm) __________Tear down (Friday pm?)__________

Bingo_____Seller______Keno______Card Game________Kitchen______

Beverage Server______ Instants_______Big Six______Anywhere_______



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