

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Posted on November 07, 2018 in: General News


Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) will be hosting Thanksgiving food drive to be taken to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank because "No One Should Be Hungry". Our youth and their families are asked to donate food for a Thanksgiving meal: boxed stuffing mix, instant mashed potatoes in a box or packet, jars of turkey gravy or dried gravy mix packets, canned yams, cranberry sauce, canned veggies, cornbread mix, canned pumpkin or fruit pie filling. Box pie crust mix, salt/pepper, boxed macaroni and cheese. If monetary donations are made they will be used to purchase turkeys from a local grocery store. Thank you. Our youth will check each item for expiration dates and box them for the PA Food Bank. There is a box in the lobby of the PREP Center, a box in the back of the St. Lawrence and St. Boniface Churches. Thank you for helping to feed the hungry.


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