Bible Study Series
The Little Rock Scripture Study is a very user-friendly style that educated as it inspired. I find it very pastoral in its ability to apply the passages to our lives and prompt reflective questions of the group. Thus, it will require that everyone read the Scripture text and commentary provided in the booklet. Fr. Bill will lead each session but not lecture. Six (6) sessions; Each session = 90 minutes:
James, Peter and Jude - the "Catholic" Letters
Tuesdays at 6:30pm – RAC & Fridays at 10:30am - St. Lawrence Hall
week 1: Feb. 26th & March 1st
week 2: March 5th & 8th
week 3: March 12th & 15th
week 4: March 19th & 22nd
week 5: April 2nd & 5th
week 6: April 9th & 12th
**note: Friday sessions added back at SL Hall