As many of you may know, a few years ago, a new Parish Pastoral Council at both Parishes was formed. Nine parishioners formed this new council, the first one we have had a many years. Three of these council members at St Boniface have terms that expire this year on June 30th making it necessary for us to elect replacements. Both this weekend and next, there will be information in the bulletin and on the parish’s website explaining in detail what the job of the Pastoral Council is and how it operates. There will also be information on what makes a good council member. I urge you to review this information and give it careful and prayerful consideration.
The following weekend, April 6th and 7th, nomination forms will be placed in the pews at St Boniface and collected by the Selection Committee that has been appointed by the Pastoral Council Chair to oversee the election process. The Selection Committee will contact all those nominated to determine their willingness to serve and answer any questions they may have. Those who agree to be nominated will submit a personal statement that will be posted on the parish website, and printed and distributed via the bulletin on May 4th and 5th, and again on May 11th and 12th. On the following weekend, May 18th and 19th, election ballots will be placed in the pews and a vote will be taken. Elected candidates will join the current council in a transition meeting on June 10th and begin their three-year term July 1st.
It is our sincere hope that you will prayerfully consider this matter and nominate any fellow parishioners you feel will make a good council member. Any questions on this election may be addressed to the Selection Committee –Diane Sholder, Kathy Bahr, Joe Bering, and Steve Kaiser, or to any member of the Parish Pastoral Council.
Council Nominee Worksheet is attached.