February Second Sunday Event
Fortitude 101: The virtue of fortitude enables one to conquer fear, even fear of death, and to face trials and persecutions. Keeping it simple, fortitude means courage. Come discuss the courage of the early Christians and the many modern Christians who are faithful in the face of great danger. Are we living up to their example?
Who: 9-12 graders
What: Mass, Dinner, Conversation
When: February 9, 5:30PM to 8:00PM
Where: St. Boniface Church & RAC
Instagram: SecondSunday_sbla
Come check out Second Sunday High School Ministry. We'll have mass, eat dinner, and talk about who you are and who Jesus is. Bring an empty stomach, open mind, and a friend. Families are welcome and encouraged to attend mass. Email jesse.and.alisan@gmail.com with questions & to confirm attendance.
Other Spring Meeting Dates: April 12, May 10
March Special Event: The Diocese will be hosting an XLT event on March 1st. We'll forego our monthly meeting to join other youth from the area at St. Joseph the Worker for Adoration, music, opportunity for confession, dinner and fellowship. Let's show our appreciation for the Diocese thinking of us here on the Western front and pack the church! Families welcome to attend.