

Food Pantry

Posted on January 06, 2020 in: Ministries, Social Concerns

January Food Pantry

Thank you to all our families, we have been able to take a very large amount of food to the St. Joseph Food Pantry throughout November and December. We ask that you continue this so that we can help throughout the winter months. This is a service project of the SB & SL Parish Councils.

Item of the month of January:

  • Spaghetti Sauce.

Other Items needed:

  • Cereal/granola bars;
  • Mac and Cheese;
  • Peanut Butter;
  • Pasta/Pasta Sauce;
  • Ramen Noodle;
  • Tuna;
  • Canned Vegetables.

If you have questions or suggestions regarding this ministry, contact Sue Lingg 322-8349 or Dianne Fisher 322-3278. Thank you for helping with this Service which is offered and supported by the SB and SL Parish Councils.


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