

FPCares Emergency Relief

Posted on March 25, 2020 in: General News

Our Response to Covid-19 to the Community

FPGives is much like Raise the Region, however it is geared specifically for Family Promise. FPGives will be held on March 25th. Here is why we are in need of donations right now!

Family Promise is expecting a great wave of homelessness coming in response to those who are either unemployed or had hours reduced due to our state's response to the Corona Virus. Now is the time to make a huge impact with Family Promise.

We currently are in need of $10,000 to get our budget back on track for this month. Here is what your donation to Family Promise does:

Our Day Center is a great resource to our families and our community. We provide a safe place for our families to "live" during the day time, do laundry, shower and make meals. We also have a community computer where those who don't have access to a computer for filling out applications and applying for housing can come use our equipment for free. We also house our Community Services at our Day Center. Those services include our Food Pantry, Free Clothing Closet and Diaper Pantry. It also is where our offices are and where we meet with clients and allows us to focus on our TRIPLE IMPACT programming.

1) Our goal is to keep as many people as we can in their homes. We do this with our programming side called Prevention and Diversion. This is where families become part of the Family Promise Family with assistance with rental payments and case management. The average one month rent in Lycoming County is $800. This donation amount can help one family continue to stay in their home.

2) Our Rotational Program that partners with local churches. Family Promise can bring a family into our program and provide food, shelter and case management for $25 a day. A family of four staying with our program for 3 months costs approximately $9000. With the shelter and evening meal provided by churches this amount helps families with child care, transportation, school supplies and a one time payment for items like steel toe or non-slip shoes to get back to work.

3) Our third area of assistance is with those families that have come through our program and are in their own home. We continue to work with those families by providing continuing budgeting, classes, and assistance. This is where your furniture donations and in-kind gifts assist in filling homes with the items they have lost in their homeless journey. We continue to assist these families to make sure that they are successful in their own homes.

Our three point attack on homelessness is very successful. Our statistics show us that 85% of families that enter our rotational program are successful to graduation. Of those graduated families 83% remain housed up to 5 years in the home we help place them in. Of our Prevention and Diversion program we are 93% successful in keeping families in their homes over 2 years past their contact with us.

Please consider partnering with us today. The link to FPGives is below and is open from

FPGives Link


June13th Free Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast @ Williamsport Country Club

RSVP by email to or phone 570-567-7103

Often we have calls about what in-kind donations we need most often. Below is a list that we are always looking for.

Toilet Paper, tissues and paper plates

Laundry Soap

Trash Bags (kitchen size)


Copy Paper

Cleaning Supplies

Laundry Bags

Tylenol, Motrin and cold medication both adult and children's.

Cough drops


Any dry good item for in our food pantry.

Family Promise of Lycoming County 570-567-7103

635 Hepburn St. Williamsport PA 17701

Donations are very much needed at this time; monetary donations are also greatly suffering.

Items that are needed: Toilet paper, tissues, paper plates, laundry soap, trash bags (kitchen size), stamps, copy paper, cleaning supplies, laundry bags, Tylenol, Motrin, cold medication both adult and children's, cough drops, Pepto or any dry goods or canned item for in the food pantry. Contact Bobbie Jo at: for donation pick-ups or drop offs.

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