

A PARTIAL relaxation will begin Monday, May 18th. CONTRARY to what you may have heard, there are NO PUBLIC MASSES. TINY groups of 25 will be allowed to join AFTER making a reservation. No one should expect to just show up and walk in. OVERALL GUIDANCE • Dispensation - everyone is still excused from attending • Senior citizens or those with special conditions would be better staying home. If you are hungry for the Lord, call Father, I will visit you to pray and offer Holy Communion. • Children - with very limited seating, children especially those who have not received First Communion should probably not attend • Simple Masses - every Mass will be treated like a weekday: no music, no servers, no EM’s. • Give others a chance - parishioners should only sign up for one Mass in the month to give others a chance. • Weekday & weekend Masses - will be held at both parishes, same times as before. • Holy Communion distribution - will be given out after Mass as people are departing • Reception of Holy Communion - we are strongly requesting all people to receive in the hand for reasons of their hygiene and the priest’s. PRECAUTIONS: • missals and hymnals have been removed • holy water fonts have been removed • some pews and sections are cordoned off • markings on the floor will remind communicants about distancing • communicants are asked to NOT line up but wait in their pew • all pews and doors will be sanitized daily • masks will be available for all who forget • priests will wear masks during distribution of Holy Communion **SIGN UP SHEETS - are at both churches for you to attend Mass! This is not joyous return that we wanted, BUT we are far luckier than many other counties in the Diocese.


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