

Masses - COVID update

Posted on July 13, 2020 in: General News

 Over the past weeks, you have noticed some temporary liturgical changes. We eliminated the following for extra efforts at protection:

  • altar servers - to protect them from the priest when he prays Eucharistic prayers without a mask
  • offertory procession - to limit people's interaction with each other and the touching of the hosts and chalice, etc.
  • hymnals & missalettes - to reduce germ catchers in pews
  • congregational singing - to lower the projection of germs beyond your masks.

How long this will continue is anybody's guess. When we do return to singing, we will have a treat! The musicians and singers agreed on a single new hymnal. Included in its pages are the Scripture readings. So, one book will be in the pews. Simplicity. This will eliminate the need to purchase the seasonal missalettes and then, recycle them. Those at St. Boniface have been paid for by the Fish family, In memory of William Fish who died this year. We are very grateful to them and will remember him in our prayers.


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